Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Gay News Roundup.

Poor guy hasn't got a clue, eh.

by Harold C. Jones

An Illinois judge as ruled that a gay marriage can proceed in spite of a constitutionally-mandated wait time.

US District Court Judge Thomas Durkin has ordered the Cook County, Illinois, clerk to issue an expedited marriage license to Chicago lesbian couple Vernita Gray and Patricia Ewert as Gray is terminally ill. (Capital Fax.)


In the Oy Vey! file the Oregon Family Council has local Jewish folks hopping mad over their characterization of gay marriage supporters as ‘Neo-Nazis.’

“Teresa Harke, a spokeswoman for the [Oregon Family Council] made the remarks while explaining the rationale for a proposed ballot measure from the group that would allow businesses to refuse to provide services for same-sex weddings if they had religious objections.”

"Would you expect a Jewish bakery to serve a neo-Nazi who wanted a cake with a swastika on it?" Harke said in an interview with The Oregonian. (Now there, she almost has a point. Swastikas per se aren’t illegal in the U.S. although they are in some European countries.) > (via The Stranger.)


Croatia to vote on same sex marriage and gay rights. Sounds like a carefully-worded question and much controversy, with political considerations and international aspirations running hard up against pretty evenly-divided religious considerations.

“Croatians will head to the polls on Dec. 1 to vote on whether to define marriage in the country’s constitution as “a union of man and woman.”  The referendum was sponsored by the Catholic group U Ime Obitelji (In the Name of the Family), which delivered 740,000 signatures to place the matter on the ballot. Croatia’s political leadership has come out against the referendum with the President, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs all saying they would vote “no.”  Although support for the amendment is strong from the Catholic Bishops Conference, the Croatian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Jewish Community of Zagreb, among others, have publickly oviced opposition.  Polling has shown a slight majority Croatians expressing support for the referendum.” > (HRC Blog.)                  


New Jersey becomes 14th state to recognize gay marriage.

“Some couples in New Jersey had waited decades. At the stroke of midnight the moment arrived as New Jersey became the the 14th state to legalize gay marriage. The celebrations came three days after the state Supreme Court rejected Gov. Chris Christie's request to delay the start of the nuptials while he appealed a lower court's ruling on same-sex marriage.” > (MyFOXNY.)


Nigerian student uses science to prove gay marriage is wrong.

UPDATE: The University of Lagos has since issued a statement distancing itself from Amalaha. Read the statement here.

“A student in Nigeria is claiming he can prove gay marriage is wrong through science - and his scientific "breakthrough" is backed by his university. Chibuihem Amalaha, who has won awards in his country for reporting on energy science and featured on various national television stations, says he used a magnet experiment to prove homosexuality is improper. Amalaha says his groundbreaking experiments show the north and south poles of two magnets are attracted to each other while same poles repel each other. He concludes this “means that man cannot attract another man because they are the same, and a woman should not attract a woman because they are the same. That is how I used physics to prove gay marriage wrong." > (HuffPo Students.)

I haven’t seen anything that brilliant in a quite a while! Good for you, young man.


(Have we got time? Time for one more, ladies and gentlemen.)

Being gay in the DPRK. Study suggests North Koreans only learn about homosexuality after leaving the country. Now this is one great story, it really is. It’s a good thing poor old Ji Min didn’t get sucked in, eh?

“Ji Min, like nearly all other young North Korean men, took part in regular compulsory military training. Once a year, professionals from the cities such as him were drafted and sent off to do military service for about two weeks. Working with Ji Min was another young man of marriageable age, who the army had given the task of distributing food, rations and other necessities to the soldiers – a job which could make one quite popular with your fellow soldiers. Furthermore, on the job they were exposed to many unmarried girls, and ‘some of them were really pretty,’ Ji Min recalled. But Ji Min’s friend was not interested in the girls – he was more interested in Ji Min.” > (NKNEWS Org.)


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