by Harold C. Jones
Rose Parade gay marriage faces opposition. This just in.
Leclair's marriage to his partner of 12 years at the Rose Parade on Thursday
will be televised to more than 80 million viewers across the nation. His very
public display of same-sex affection and commitment has ruffled some feathers
inside the gay community and out.”
many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, 2014 was a year of
marriages doubling as political statements — celebrations of the Supreme Court
ruling that struck down provisions of the prohibitive Defense of Marriage Act
and California's Proposition 8 as well as the states
that have legalized same-sex
marriages.” > Al Jazeera
wonder if Al Jazeera broadcasts this sort of thing in other localities.
event, say conservative activists, ‘denigrate the family.’
decision to allow two gay couples to ‘marry’ on a float during the Rose Parade
denigrates this once family-friendly event,” said Brian Brown, president of the
National Organization of Marriage. “It’s another ‘in your face’ example that
should serve as a teachable moment for the American people.” > CNS News.
harassment ensues when the Driver’s Office won’t change a name after a same-sex
count on driver's license officials in Michigan accepting name changes for gay
federal government and New York state may consider him Jesse Melot, but the
Michigan Department of State insists he's still Jesse Sherman.”
Michigan Constitution bans same-sex marriages, so he and Derek Melot went to
New York to get married in October.”
Jesse Melot says he visited two Michigan Department of State offices with his
marriage certificate seeking to have his new name put on his driver's
can’t be compared to gay marriage: letter to editor, Salt Lake Tribune.
the letter writers who think that gay marriage and polygamy compare:”
is a lot of difference between gay marriage and polygamy. Gay marriage affects
two people and polygamy affects many people and has been shown to cause many
more problems for women, children and some ‘lost boys.’ It often treats women
as second-class citizens.”
is handled in a different court and has been recently
"decriminalized" if those practicing it don’t break other laws, but
in some large groups there have been underage and forced marriages and rape of
young girls. Boys have been sent off with no home because the older men want to
have lots of women and young girls for themselves to marry.”
women of legal age who want it and if everyone keeps the law and doesn’t abuse
welfare, it might be OK. But those are few, and I don’t believe it will ever
become a popular lifestyle.” > Kim Summers
guess I never really thought of it that way before.
same-sex marriage open the door to the legalization or ‘decriminalization’ of
why not?
Ten Countries that hate gays:
a country that bills itself as “the world’s biggest democracy,” India sure has
a habit of shutting its minorities out of the democratic system. Case in point:
the re-criminalization of homosexuality. In 2009, the High Court in Delhi threw out a
153-year-old law passed by the British colonial administration that made
consenting sex between two adults of the same gender a crime. At the time, it
was seen as a huge step forward for gay rights in the country, and many assumed
it was the start of a new era of tolerance for LGBT people.” > Listverse.
all folks. What an interesting year it has been.